A supplement, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is something that completes or makes an addition to something else. There are supplements for almost anything. Ladies, if you want longer hair, stronger fingernails, bigger boobs there are millions of products offered that can help you with that. Oh, and let's not forget the fellas...if you desire a larger, uh, let's just say "member", there are even supplements to help you out with that too. Come on, we've all seen the commercials and heard those radio advertisements. However, for the purpose of this blog we are going to focus on supplements, specifically dietary supplements, that are intended to positively impact your health and fitness goals by adding a little something extra.
In the health and fitness world there are supplements that assist in boosting metabolism, losing weight, building muscle mass, etc. As I researched these supplements I learned that some have multiple purposes. Here, I will give you some insight into some of the supplements and what their functions are.
Burn, Baby, Burn
In this first section we will discuss supplements intended to burn fat. People are always trying to find that magic pill that will eliminate that extra belly fat. Well, these aren't magic pills but they may help.
Green Tea Extract: The powerful ingredient in this supplement is the polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate...say that 10 times fast. We'll just call it EGCG. The EGCG works with the body to increase fat burning and metabolic rate. This supplement is also reported to enhance muscle recovery as well as assist with joint recovery. You can purchase this from your local health food store, vitamin shop, even places like Walgreen's. For this supplement to be effective, it's recommended that people take 300-500mg three times daily, before each meal.
Fish Oil: This supplement as a fat burner is new to me. However, some studies show that in addition to the many benefits that fish oil provides, it works to activate fat burning and turn off the genes that increase fat storage. Now, if that isn't another reason to get some Omega-3s in your life, I don't know what is. Dosage recommendations can be found on the back label of the product.
Caffeine: Yes, you read correctly...caffeine. No, I'm not talking about the mocha cocoa choco latte that you get from Starbucks or wherever. Actually, the most effective form of caffeine would be in tablet form. This is because the other ingredients in coffee may inhibit some the effects of the caffeine. Caffeine increases the amount of fat that is released from your fat cells. Once again refer to the package label for dosage recommendations. Increase the fat burning ability of this supplement by taking a dosage 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to your workout.
CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid): This is something brand new to me. This supplement works to prevent fat storage, use existing fat as energy, and increase lean muscle mass. You can also find this at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. It is recommended that you take 2 grams of CLA three times daily with meals.
Muscle Mania
If your goal is to build lean muscle then these supplements may be just what the doctor ordered.
- Protein: Protein can be found in many foods that we eat. Chicken, turkey, and beef are choices that are high in protein. However, protein also comes in supplemental forms. Whey protein is a good supplemental choice if you desire to build lean muscle. Whey delivers aminos to your muscle tissue quickly and contains peptides, which increase the blood flow to the muscles. You can purchase protein powder almost anywhere. My husband and I purchase ours from the grocery store. It also comes in many flavors, which can be mixed with water or you can make a shake. It's best to consume your protein when you wake up, thirty minutes prior to your workout and within 30 minutes after your workout.
- Creatine: Creatine occurs naturally in the body. It is produced by the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. This is apparently one of the top supplements for building lean muscle. It works by delivering more energy to the muscle, which in turn means more power for that muscle. More power equates to more reps of an exercise. More reps assists with muscle growth. Simple enough. Creatine comes in many forms. The dosage will depend on what form of Creatine you take.
- BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids): These are the essential aminos leucine, isoleucene, and valine. These play an important role in protein synthesis, which is the process that builds muscles. A gym buddy of mine uses BCAAs as a recovery method. It feeds nutrients to your muscles post-workout. She mixes the powder form with a sports drink. This is also a supplement that comes in multiple forms. It is recommended that you take this pre and post workout.
The Energizer Bunny
Is something slowing you down?? In many cases, nutrient deficiencies are responsible for lack of energy. Deficiencies in B12, iron, and/or magnesium may be the culprits.
- B Vitamins: Studies show that B Vitamins work to boost energy levels. A B12 supplement may reduce fatigue. There are also supplemental forms of iron and magnesium that you can purchase.
- Multi-vitamin: Multi-vitamins are good because they fill in the gaps for many nutrients that your body may be deficient in. As mentioned above, nutrient deficiencies can lead to low energy levels.
- Some of the supplements mentioned in the other areas have claims of increasing energy levels. Green tea extract, creatine, caffeine, and BCAAs are some.
Recovery is very important after an intense workout or any kind of workout. You have a short window, approximately 30 minutes, after a workout to refuel. The glycogen that your body stores is depleted after your workout, therefore you need to replace it to allow adequate recovery. Glycogen is important because the body uses it as energy during your workouts. Ideally, one should intake 1/2 - 3/4 of a gram of healthy carbs per pound of body weight within that 30 minute window. Within that timeframe carbs turn into glycogen up to three times faster than other times, which is energy that can help you perform better for later workouts.
Carbs can't do the job alone so here are some other items you can add to your post workout recovery routine.
- BCAAs: As mentioned above BCAAs feed necessary nutrients to your muscles post-workout.
- Protein Shake/Smoothie: The whey protein will increase blood flow to your muscles, which will allow the muscles to receive more oxygen and nutrients. You can add in fruits that are high in antioxidants, like berries, which will aid in eliminating the free radicals in your body.
- Fish Oil: You can take this for its anti-inflammatory properties, not necessarily right after your workout but in general.
It is always wise to consult with your physician prior to introducing something new into your diet. I am not a doctor nor am I an expert on supplements. I'm just the SkinnyFatGymRat who knows a little something, something. Therefore, if any of these options sound good to you, conduct further research so you will be aware of any side effects to know if it's right for YOU. My husband and I have tried a few of these supplements and a few we keep in rotation. I also know fitness buffs who swear by some of the supplements mentioned. However, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for everyone. Also, this is only an abbreviated list of the many supplemental options that are available on the market and just using the supplement without proper diet and exercise may not yield desirable results. So, before you run out to the store conduct your own research and remember exercise and proper nutrition are always paramount!!
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