One question that people often ask me is what types of food do I snack on. I enjoy food and I don't like to deprive myself of things that I like. My inner foodie would have it no other way. Therefore, I try to choose or make a healthier alternative to my fave foods. Here are some items that my husband and I like to munch on as well as some ways to choose healthy options.
My ultimate snack is fruit. I love fruit because it gives me the sweet taste without the added sugar. Bananas, berries, grapes, cantaloupe, apples, and oranges are my go to fruits. Many of these fruits have a low Glycemic Index (GI) level. The Glycemic Index ranks carbs based on it's effect on our blood glucose levels. Foods with low GI levels allow glucose to slowly be released into your bloodstream, which promotes healthy energy levels. A low GI level would be 55 or lower. You can find a list of GI levels here.
Many of these fruits also have multiple nutritional purposes. Bananas are a great pre-workout snack and are a great source of potassium. Berries are great antioxidants. Grapes are just friggin' delicious and apples are a fabulous source of fiber. Always remember that moderation is key even when it comes to fruit. So don't go crazy and start slamming down boat loads of fruit.
Another sweet treat for me is the sweet potato. No, I'm not talking about the twiced baked sweet potato, with the brown sugar and cream cheese so stop salivating (hahaha). Although, that is quite delicious. I eat these either steamed or as baked fries. Sweet potatoes are inexpensive and have excellent health benefits. The beta-carotene in the potato is an antioxidant which changes to vitamin A. The vitamin A contributes to healthy skin. Think about that Halle Berry glow. Plus, the beta-carotene eliminates free radicals from the body, thus, helping to reduce wrinkles. Adding a little cinnamon will enhance the flavor of the sweet potato. If you want them french fry style, you can slice them thinly, sprinkle with a little salt (optional), then rub with a little olive oil. You can spread them out on a baking sheet, place in the oven at 350 degrees, and let them cook for about 20 minutes or until they are crisp enough for you. DELICIOUS!!!
Another fam fave is Garden of Eatin' chips. When I want a salty fix I opt for these tortilla chips over Tostitos brand. They are certified organic, many of the options are low in trans fat and saturated fat (bad fats), and there are soooo many options (inner foodie on the prowl). These are tasty with or without salsa!! Explore your options here. Yummm!!
Veggies are always a good snacking option. I am not going to lie and say that I am a veggie snacker because I am not. I think I would rather listen to Elizabeth Hasselbeck talk than eat raw veggies...wait...that might be an over exaggeration. The cold, crunch, bland taste of the veggies just isn't appealing to me. However, I understand the benefits of snacking on them. Veggies are a great source of the nutrients you need like vitamins. Some are also a good source of fiber. Fiber will make you feel full between meals. I primarily eat my veggies with meals. Raw veggies however contain high levels of nutrients because they haven't been cooked out. Celery with peanut butter, carrots, snap peas, cut peppers, broccoli are all great options if this is something that you would like to try. Me, not so much.
Almonds...mmmmm...another favorite. I love almonds because of the taste, texture, and nutritional benefits. They are (at least for me) a good source of fiber, a decent source of protein, and you only need about 28 almonds to make a great snack. You can pair almonds with a fruit or a protein shake. Speaking of which, protein shakes are also a great snack option.
If you like those 100 calorie snack options, my suggestion is to be mindful. The fact that those Oreos and Twinkies come in 100 calorie options doesn't make them any better for you. You still need to pay attention to the nutritional labels. A healthy food is always going to be a healthy food. Packaging it in a smaller quantity doesn't magically change an unhealthy food (i.e. ding dongs) into a healthy option...abracadabra...not really. 100 calorie packs like almonds or whole wheat crackers may be a better choice because you get the portion control with the nutritional benefits.
Some other things I love are peanut butter with a whole weat slice or 1/2 of a whole wheat bagel, boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, Greek yogurt (I will post more about this one later) and popcorn. The calorie amount for your snacks really depends on your dietary and fitness needs. I choose snacks that will keep me full and keep my energy levels balanced. With the intense workouts that I do this is important. Also, I eat my snacks in MODERATION. Even healthy foods in excess can set you back in your goals to lose weight or just improve your overall health.
If you have difficulty with portion control...perhaps because you have hands the size of Big Foot's hands (men) or even after you've given birth you're still eating for two (that was me), try portioning out your food into ziplock bags. Read the product label to figure out how much of that food equals 1 serving and store it in a ziplock bag to prevent overeating. Instead of eating from the bag, get 1 serving and put it in a small bowl or on a small dish. Don't eat at the kitchen counter; it's just too tempting to grab more than you need. It helps to prepare your snacks in advance so that you don't risk making an unhealthy choice or eating too much.
Choosing a healthy snack isn't complicated. Most people know what healthy foods are so make the choice to put down the cookies and pick up an apple. Step outside of the box when it comes to your snacks. If you like to eat something that wouldn't necessarily be considered a snack, like a sandwich for example, cut the portion down and eat it anyway. As long as it's healthy, you're good to go. Who's judging?? Not me! In addition a good review of the nutritional label should set you straight. Here's to healthy snacking...yummm!!!!
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