I always see the most interesting things when I go to the gym. Some things make me wonder what the hell were these people thinking and others make me bust out laughing. Here's a list of things that leave me quite befuddled, amused, and annoyed. They're in no particular order.
1. People Who Wear Regular Street Clothes to Work Out
It never fails that when I go to the gym there are people who are working out in clothes that are clearly NOT workout friendly. Denim jeans, button up shirts, cargo shorts, silky blouses, and even flip flops are just a few of the clothing choices of these people. I understand that you want to workout but you can't possibly be comfortable in that get up. It's awkward looking and the chaffing has to be out of this world. Ouch!!
2. Not Cleaning Off the Machines After Use
3. Chatty Kathys
I'm sure that you all have had an experience or two with these individuals. This person can be a male or a female. These are the people who always want to start a 20 minute conversation with you when all you want to do is workout and go home. There is nothing worse than trying to do sprint intervals or a strength training circuit with Chatty Kathy breathing down your back. In case you are unsure if you or someone you know qualifies as a Chatty Kathy let me break it down for you all. If you or someone else insists on talking to someone mid workout despite the fact that the person has his/her headphones plugged in their ears, has not made eye contact with you, and/or gives you short, one word answers...then you or that person is a Chatty Kathy!!
4. Scantily Clad Chicks
Now, I have no problem with females being proud of their bodies. However, there is never and I repeat never a reason why you need to workout in spandex booty shorts AND a sports bra. I have seen entirely too much of your body and I don't even know you like that ma'am. It never, ever, ever gets that hot in the gym for that attire. I sweat a lot and have never considered donning that wardrobe. I'm sure it's great eye candy for the fellows, though. There should be a compromise, either wear the sports bra with longer pants or wear the spandex booty shorts with a longer top but never together. Otherwise, people may get confused about their location and try to "make it rain" on you. If you are unsure about what "make it rain" means, click here for some clarification.
5. Leisurely Use of the Equipment
You're either going to shit or get off the pot. I never understood people who spend an hour or more on a piece of cardio equipment moving as slow as turtles during peak hour at the gym. If you want to read a magazine, peruse your book selection on your Nook, or talk on your cell phone, please do it somewhere else. Just don't do it on the piece of cardio equipment that I want to use.You haven't broken a sweat and it's been 45 minutes, come on man! You can easily waste less time by increasing your intensity. You will burn more calories. I'm just saying, people!!
6. People Who Talk on Their Cell Phones
The occasional conversation is okay but if you are having a straight out argument on your phone with you girlfriend, boyfriend, baby mama/daddy then please don't do it within earshot of other people. I have been witness to this and the man damn near fell off the treadmill arguing with his woman.
7. Passing Gas Repeatedly
This is gross. Now, everyone has probably let one rip every now and again while working out. However, I have had the unfortunate pleasure of working out near individuals who clearly have some sort of gas leak going on in their lower region. If your gas is that bad, please do us all a favor and excuse yourself and go fart it out in the restroom. We won't judge you...maybe.
There are dozens of more things that I could add to this list but I will stop here. What are some of the strange things you've witnessed? Let us know and leave your comments...PEACE!!
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