
Hey All!!! Come on in and enjoy a little slice of my world as it pertains to fitness and health. Dr. Phil once said "Get real about fat or just get real fat". I've always loved that quote...LOL

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Let's Not do that Again: Things to Bury in 2011

As 2012 quickly approaches we need to reassess a few things health and fitness related. Below is my Top 6 (yes, only 6, not 10) list of things that we should leave in 2011 and never, ever, ever, ever revisit.

#6 Shake Weight
 Oh, you know where I'm going with this one...If you haven't seen this thing check out the video below.
First off, I'm not too sure about how effective this little dildo I mean device is. Anything, in terms of toning and building muscle, that you can do with this you can do with regular free weights in the gym. Of course you won't have the joy of the vibrations, which some of you may find necessary. This thing just reminds me of some type of toy you would find in a soft porn video. If you don't agree, replay the video from about the 14 second mark. If you already spent your 19.95 or 29.95 (price for the guy version) I won't judge you or your reasoning for buying it. However, for those of you who haven't I recommend that  you keep this one on the shelf.

#5 Toning Sneakers
Case in point
Trust me you've seen these things. they kind of remind you of Frankenstein shoes, just a little less attractive. They're meant to assist with sculpting and toning. Rumor has it that they're also pretty comfortable. My in-laws both have a pair so I will be cautious with my word choice. Now, comfort aside many of these shoes are flippin' ugly.
The upside to this shoe is that many companies make a sleeker version of this shoe. However, this version right here is not allowed in 2012.

#4 Plastic Sweat Suits/Sauna Suits for Working Out

Unfortunately people still where these things while they workout. It's made of plastic, nylon, vinyl or even rubber...yikes. Unless you are trying to make weight for a boxing competition please leave the suit at home. People who wear them while working out are simply losing water weight not true weight. Just go hard in the gym sans the suit and you will be good to go.

#3 Fad Diets
The cookie diet, hot sauce and lemon juice diet, cabbage soup name it and there's a diet for it.  There's no magic to weight loss, just eat right and exercise. Fad diets can have a negative impact on  your metabolism and then you really won't be able to lose weight. Desperation will make people do crazy things...

#2 New Year's Resolutions
I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer but a lot of people who make New Year's resolutions related to health and fitness don't stay committed. If you doubt it, go ahead and list all the fitness/health related resolutions that you kept...I'll wait. Instead of waiting to make the change do little things throughout the year that will help you achieve your fitness goals. This way you can bring in the new year having made many accomplishments. So, I say to hell with New Year's resolutions.

#1 Excuses
Let's bury these deeeeppp in a hole somewhere.  Yes, I know you just got your hair done and you plan on starting your new way of eating and exercise schedule in a couple of weeks. Unless you are dead there is no real reason why you can't at least eat right. Diet is like 85% of the battle. Make better food choices. There may be physical limitations excluding you from some types of exercise but you can do something...anything. Look at the pictures, one man runs without legs and the other is a one legged wrestler. I'm just sayin'...are you still making excuses?? The man runs without legs for Heaven's sake...

Anyone ever see the Katt Williams special where he spoke about Tink Tink??
This is my last post until 2012...enjoy your New Year and eat and drink responsibly...Peace!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Trip to the Clinic: Part Deux

Background: The second test I underwent was the  VO2 max test. VO2 stands for volume of oxygen. The test measures how much oxygen your body is consuming at various intensity levels. The harder you work the more oxygen your body will require.  The test also has the ability to determine how many calories you're burning at each intensity level.  I wanted to take this test so that I could identify my target workout zones and adjust my workouts accordingly. Also, I just had to know if I was as fit as I thought I was.

Set-up: The physical therapist rolled in the same machine that was used for the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test, Darth Vader mask and all..."Luke, I am your father". She entered my gender, height, weight, and age into the machine. Before I could be hooked up to the machine I had to put on a heart rate strap. I will explain more about the necessity of the strap in a moment. Once that was complete, I hopped on the treadmill and she strapped the mask onto my face. I am hoping that they use a new mask for each person because that's a lot of air and some saliva that shoots into that mask.  I'm not so sure. I know the tube is new. The facial attachment resembles an oxygen mask with straps that go around the back of the head and a long plastic tube that is attached to the machine. It's not the most comfortable circumstances for a fitness test.
VO2 set up

The heart rate monitor is necessary because the machine is identifying at what heart rate your body crosses its threshold of aerobic and anaerobic intensity. This will determine your true target workout zones (more on that later). Aerobic activities are low intensity activities where your heart and lungs can easily supply all the oxygen your body demands. The intensity level at which your body cannot provide all the oxygen needed is your aerobic threshold. Beyond this level is start to operate with your anaerobic energy pathways.

Anaerobic means that you don't have enough oxygen to meet your energy needs due to the high intensity of levels of your workouts. You won't be able to operate at this intensity level for long periods of time. Think sprints.

*Note: This test can also be administered on a bike.

Test: Once I was all hooked up, the test was underway. I consider myself to be pretty physically fit, however, this test takes you waayyyy out of your comfort zone. Why you ask?? One word...INCLINE. Plus, that mask was heavy and awkard. During the test we had to adjust the straps to the mask. At some points, I was holding the mask in a comfortable position because I felt like I couldn't take full breaths.

The test begins with a walk at a small incline and slow speed. About every minute or so the physical therapist would increase the incline and the speed. Hills are not my idea of fun, therefore, I try to avoid them as much as possible. Well, on this day there was no avoiding and those hills attacked me with a vengeance. At one point, while the therapist was increasing the incline, I swear I heard the treadmill say, "Bitch, take that." The therapist told me that as long as I can keep up with the treadmill and I wasn't having a difficult time breathing to keep going. She also said that this wasn't going to be comfortable. She was right.

The incline reached a 10 and the speed reached a 6.5 before I reached my limit and had to be cut loose. My typical speed when running on the treadmill is 8:34 pace, which is a 7 speed on the treadmill. Needless to say I was disappointed. Those damn hills and face contraption were my downfalls. "I coulda been a contender".

Results:  Despite feeling as though I sucked miserably at the test, my results showed that my fitness level is SUPERIOR!!! Hahahahahaha...I am great...just kidding (kinda).
Blame the blur on my crappy phone

The test also provided me with my target workout zones, which will vary from person to person. This is great because I know where my heart rate should be when performing various running exercises or training for a race. The four identified zones are: low zone, moderate zone, high zone, and peak zone. For long runs I should  maintain my heart rate in moderate zone and lower end of my high zone, this way I don't crash and burn during the run. For short runs I should be at the upper end of my high zone and for sprints I should be reaching my peak.

This test was money well spent. I learned a lot and had fun. You should consider getting this test done, it will help you optimize your training. The test on it's own is $100, however, depending on where you go the prices will vary. The RMR and VO2 tests came as a package deal. I paid $150 for both tests. Not too bad. Contact your local fitness facility, gym, etc. if you're interested in getting one done.

I will leave you with a video of the test...look at the exhaustion on his face at the end of the clip...LOL

My Trip to the Clinic: Part 1

No, not that kind of clinic but a fitness and sports clinic.  I went  to get some tests done. The two tests that I took were the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and V02 max test. This post is about the RMR test.

The RMR test measures exactly what it says, your metabolism at rest. In other words, it's how many calories your body would burn if you did nothing more than sit in a chair. Your RMR is related to your lean body mass. Your lean body mass is made up of muscle and internal organs.

I opted for this test to ensure that my current nutritional intake was sufficiently fueling my everyday living and workouts. The test is conducted under the condition that you have at least 4 hours of fasting prior to. The nutritionist, or whoever is administering the test, rolls in a machine with a tube and face mask attachment. There is also a nose clip used to ensure that you are only breathing through your mouth. I must say that this was uncomfortable. I have a broad nose and that nose pinch was entirely too small.
This is the machine, however that guy isn't me ;-)

The nutritionist, who was very nice by the way, entered my gender, age, height, and weight into the machine, hooked me up to the Darth Vader mask, and let it run for about 15 minutes. Once the test is done a sheet is printed with the results. The results indicate how many calories you burn from just your everyday activities sans exercise. The best part, I think, about the results is that it lets you know how many calories you need to intake to maintain or lose weight. The bottom line is that you have to burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight. This test is a great tool to help you identify your target zones and set your weight goals.

Compared to a typical person of similar sex, age, height, and weight  my metabolic rate is fast, not super fast, but fast. I was surprised but pleasantly pleased by this result. I assumed that my metabolism was average at best. I've read articles that state that African American females have a slower metabolism when compared to other racial groups. It's good to know that I don't fit into that statistic.

This test is great for anyone who would like a little bit more info and guidance when it comes to their diet. It puts things in perspective for you, especially if you're starting on your weight loss journey. You may need to work on speeding up your metabolism or you may need to increase or decrease your caloric intake. The nutritionist who administers the test will help you work through those things. He/she will probably suggest that you set up a few follow-up  appointments to monitor your progress. The downside to that is that it can be expensive unless you can get your insurance to cover it. My RMR test cost $100.  Each follow up would be an additional 100 bucks per pockets aren't that deep.

If you're interested in an RMR test contact your local gym, health clinic, or fitness facility. I think if the price is right, it can be worth it. I apparently was doing the right thing all along and this test was more of a reassurance. So I think I could've saved my 100 bucks for something else, but oh well.

Check out my next post for my V02 max results. Peace!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Frugal Fitness

Is your gym membership costing too much?
As previously promised here is a post on how you frugal fitness fanatics (say that tens times fast) can be fit on a budget. If you're like many Americans in these tough economic times, you're trying to figure out ways to tighten those spending habits. Perhaps you've started packing your own lunch or carpooling to school or work with some buddies. You're probably also looking at that monthly gym membership and thinking "hmmm...maybe I don't need this added expense." Some of you may even add, "Hell, I don't go anyway." Well let me be the first to tell you that you could be right. You don't need the physical building of a gym to help you achieve your fitness goals. You don't need personal trainers and expensive equipment (think of that treadmill that doubles as your coat rack). All you need is some space, your body, some motivation, and occasionally some very inexpensive pieces of fitness equipment.

Look at her face...she's focused, man.
The fitness industry makes tons of money each year from gym membership fees, diet plans, personal trainers, equipment, etc. Think about how much money Susan Somers probably made with that damn Thighmaster...remember that?? LOL.  You don't have to fall into that money trap. Allow me to introduce you to life on a fitness budget. Now, I do workout in a gym. It's convenient and it's a habit. However, there are times when I can't make it and do my workouts outside of my house or in my living room.

Let's start with motivation because that's about as free as we can get when talking about cutting expenses. As long as you have that inner desire to want to make health changes in your life you will be good to go. Now you will need some space. Find a location in your house where you can maneuver your body pretty freely. If you're not sure if the space you're thinking of makes that cut, try the following tests. Do a few jumping jacks, place yourself in the pushup position, or jump rope. If you can do those things comfortably then that space will work. Think about a room that's the size of a living room space. If you need to move the table or something go for it. However, if you find yourself seriously rearranging the furniture to get your workout on then you should probably opt for another room. A basement space would be ideal for this. 

Once you've identified your space you can begin your workouts. You really don't need any equipment at all, thus saving even more money. There are plenty of exercises that you can do using only your body weight. Pushups, squats, lunges, burpees, and a plethora of ab exercises are just a few examples. Within the exercises I listed, is an even greater variety of exercises to work different muscle groups. For example, you can do wide arm push ups, diamond style, superman, or even the handstand pushup.  I encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone into your fitness zone and challenge yourself.

If you want to add equipment to your home workout, you can and not pay an arm and a leg. Some inexpensive equipment that I keep at home are weights, resistance bands, jump ropes, an interval timer, workout mat, and gloves. They don't take up much space and fit snugly into the bottom of our coat closet. But most importantly, I didn't break the bank buying them. You can use this equipment to create your own killer workout. The interval timer is great for circuit workouts and the jump rope is a great way to get some cardio in if you aren't up for running. Speaking of running, don't overlook that as an inexpensive option. It doesn't cost a thing to map out a run or a walk and get going. Check out this FREE site to help to plan your walk/run.

Also, don't forget to utilize the workouts that you can find for FREE through your cable service's on demand option. However, these may be too easy. Assess your fitness level to see if these are right for you. 

Don't let cost stop you from being fit. Ask yourself what else is stopping you from living the healthy life that you deserve. We just nixed one excuse off your list, now it's time to get rid of the others.

Here are some links to get you guys started.

No Props, No Problem

Bodyrocktv (she uses some equipment but you can always modify to just use bodyweight)

Let me know your tips for being frugal fitness fanatics. Peace!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jingle Bell(ies)

Don't let this happen to you.
As the holiday season is already in full effect we need to be weary of those holiday pounds that like to creep up on some of us. Just like many of you, I love to eat all the delicious fixings that are prepared for the holidays. If your family is anything like my family, you have all types of good food readily at your fingertips from Thanksgiving through the New Year. However, don't let the great food prevent you from keeping your eye on the prize...

I love my mac and cheese just as much as the next man but everyone must tackle the holiday season with a plan, especially if you LOVE food. Here are some tips to help you put your plan into action.

Be Consistent with your Workout Routine
You have to maintain your workout schedule or establish one. 4-5 days a week for at least 30 minutes is okay if you're trying to maintain your current weight. Increase the duration and intensity if you are trying to lose weight. If you aren't working out regularly don't be surprised if those pounds creep up and slap you in the face.  Stay committed to your routine!

Pack your Lunch and Snacks
Everybody has a coworker or two who loves to bring in treats during the holidays. I have a coworker who is a wonderful baker. She makes this pumpkin roll that makes me want to slap my mama...repeatedly. However, by packing my own snacks I avoid the urge to snack on her delicious baked goods. If you desire something sweet pack a sweet, yet healthy snack, if you yearn for something salty, almonds may do the trick. Also, by packing your lunch you control what goes into your body. If your job is having a luncheon, sign up to bring something. You can bring a healthy dish so at least you have one healthy option. Don't feel obligated to eat what they eat because they don't have to squeeze into your jeans. "Are those Jordache jeans you're wearing??"

Don't Deprive Yourself
When you're gathering around the buffet of goodies for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kwanzaa, or whichever holiday you celebrate, don't deny yourself a taste of some of your  favorite foods. Now, don't pile your plate mile high with that potato salad but a taste is not going to kill you. I will be the first to tell you that I have some of everything that I love during the holiday festivities and I refuse to feel guilty about it. The thing to remember is that if you have been consistent with your workouts and you have been consistently eating healthy, these small indulgences will not impact your weight goals. If you deprive yourself, you risk overeating. Enjoy the food but don't over do it.

Join a Weight Loss Challenge
Many gyms offer weight loss competitions during the holiday seasons. It's a great way to set fitness goals for yourself and also keep the beast at bay. The beast being those pounds. Even if you only win a t-shirt you've accomplished something. Although, the t-shirt would be more than enough for me. If you're not a member of a gym get with a group of coworkers or friends and set up a weight loss challenge. Everyone can chip in five bucks and the prize can be a gift card purchased with the five dollar buy in fee. Get creative!

Be Realistic
The holiday season is a time to enjoy your family, friends, and the food that goes along with it. Don't set goals for yourself that you know are going to be too difficult to achieve. Losing 20 pounds two weeks before that big Christmas dinner is unlikely and can be stressful. However, maintaining your current weight or shedding 2-5 pounds is very possible. Make conscious food choices. Scan your options before fixing your plate so that you can be a smart eater. Don't forget to get your workouts in...go hard or go home.

Making a holiday fitness and health plan will help you stave away those jingle bell(ies). I encourage everyone to make healthy living a priority and not an after thought.

Peace and Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Things that Make Me Go Hmmmmm...

I always see the most interesting things when I go to the gym. Some things make me wonder what the hell were these people thinking and others make me bust out laughing. Here's a list of things that leave me quite befuddled, amused, and annoyed. They're in no particular order.

1. People Who Wear Regular Street Clothes to Work Out
It never fails that when I go to the gym there are people who are working out in clothes that are clearly NOT workout friendly. Denim jeans, button up shirts, cargo shorts, silky blouses, and even flip flops are just a few of the clothing choices of these people. I understand that you want to workout but you  can't possibly be comfortable in that get up. It's awkward looking and the chaffing has to be out of this world. Ouch!!

2. Not Cleaning Off the Machines After Use
This is not only poor gym etiquette, it's just plain old nasty. Last week I watched a man sneeze into his hands, grab the handle of the treadmill, sweat for 20 minutes while using the treadmill, get off and NOT wipe off the machine...EWWWWW. So the lucky person who went to use the treadmill after him was left with a sweet mix of sweat and boogers. NICE!!! I always make sure to wipe off my equipment before and after use. You should do the same because you never know what you may be touching.

3. Chatty Kathys
I'm sure that you all have had an experience or two with these individuals. This person can be a male or a female. These are the people who always want to start a 20 minute conversation with you when all you want to do is workout and go home. There is nothing worse than trying to do sprint intervals or a strength training circuit with Chatty Kathy breathing down your  back. In case you are  unsure if you or someone you know qualifies as a Chatty Kathy let me break it down for you all. If you or someone else insists on talking to someone mid workout despite the fact that the person has his/her headphones plugged in their ears, has not made eye contact with you, and/or gives you short, one word answers...then you or that person is a Chatty Kathy!!

4. Scantily Clad Chicks
Now, I have no problem with females being proud of their bodies. However, there is never and I repeat never a reason why you need to workout in spandex booty shorts AND a sports bra.  I have seen entirely too much of your body and I don't even know you like that ma'am. It never, ever, ever gets that hot in the gym for that attire. I sweat a lot and have never considered donning that wardrobe. I'm sure it's great eye candy for the fellows, though. There should be a compromise, either wear the sports bra with longer pants or wear the spandex booty shorts with a longer top but never together. Otherwise, people may get confused about their location and try to "make it rain" on you. If you are unsure about what "make it rain" means, click here for some clarification.

5.  Leisurely Use of the Equipment
You're either going to shit or get off the pot. I never understood people who spend an hour or more on a piece of cardio equipment moving as slow as turtles during peak hour at the gym. If you want to read a magazine, peruse your book selection on your Nook, or talk on your cell phone, please do it somewhere else. Just don't do it on the piece of cardio equipment that I want to use.You haven't broken a sweat and it's been 45 minutes, come on man! You can easily waste less time by increasing your intensity. You will burn more calories. I'm just saying, people!!

6. People Who Talk on Their Cell Phones
The occasional conversation is okay but if you are having a straight out argument on your phone with you girlfriend, boyfriend, baby mama/daddy then please don't do it within earshot of other people. I have been witness to this and the man damn near fell off the treadmill arguing with his woman.

7. Passing Gas Repeatedly
This is gross. Now, everyone has probably let one rip every now and again while working out. However, I have had the unfortunate pleasure of working out near individuals who clearly have some sort of gas leak going on in their lower region. If your gas is that bad, please do us all a favor and excuse yourself and go fart it out in the restroom. We won't judge you...maybe.

There are dozens of more things that I could add to this list but I will stop here. What are some of the strange things you've witnessed? Let us know and leave your comments...PEACE!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Where's the Beef...I Mean Turkey??

I know you all remember this commercial!! Beef will always be a favorite for many people but it seems like turkey is a close second for favorite meat. Some restaurants have even taken notice and now offer the turkey burger as a menu option. Ruby Tuesday, for as long as I've been familiar with the restaurant, has always offered a turkey burger option. Arby's, Hardee's, and Red Robin are just a few other restaurants I can think of off the top of my head. 

There are always people who will swear by the beef, I prefer the turkey burger.  However, I do appreciate the taste of a nice juicy beef burger every now and again. But is there really a health benefit of choosing one over the other?? Here are some stats on ground turkey and ground beef based on 4 ounces of extra lean meat.

                                                               Ground Beef                                  Ground Turkey 
                                                                                                                       (Shady Brook Farms)
Calories                                                  140                                                  130

Protein (g)                                              23                                                    27

Total Fat (g)                                           4.5                                                   2

Cholesterol (mg)                                    65                                                   70

Sodium (mg)                                          70                                                   65

If you look at these nutritional facts for both meats, there isn't much difference between the two. Surprising??? If you choose the lean version of either meat you should be good to go. However, ground turkey not labeled "lean" may contain dark meat and skin, which will increase the amount of fat in the serving. Therefore, don't assume that all ground turkey is equally as healthy.

As far as the nutrients found in both meats, each is proven to be a good source of B-complex vitamins. These vitamins assist with the functioning of the nervous system. Ground beef had a slightly higher amount of certain vitamins, such as B-3, which helps produce energy in the body's cells, as well as B-6. B-6 breaks down protein. 
Ground Beef has twice as much zinc as ground turkey and more potassium. It also provides more iron per serving. All those things are great but you can also get these vitamins and minerals from other sources. Therefore, whatever your choice is, as long as it's lean, is all about preference. Ground turkey is a bit on the dry side when compared to beef, so that's something else to consider.

As mentioned earlier, you can find turkey burger options at many restaurants. However, don't get caught in the trap that because it's turkey it has to be healthy. Many of those burgers have calorie and fat counts that are out of this world. Once you add the bread, toppings, etc. any healthy aspect about the burger has gone out the window. Plus, I doubt they are using the leanest ground turkey available. You can order a beef burger with minimal toppings and ask for a wheat bread option, or go sans bread and this will limit your calorie and fat intake. If you don't want to opt out of bread you can have an open face burger. You simply remove the top bun, my husband has done this on many occasions. 

Whatever your choice is, just make sure it's lean. Happy eating!!

What's your preference? Leave it in the comments.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Big Fat Greek Yogurt...

Taken on my kitchen counter

If you have read any of my previous posts you may have caught the hint that Greek yogurt is one of my favorite treats. Greek yogurt has a very distinct bittersweet taste.  I would definitely say that it's an acquired taste and if you're interested in adding it to your little bag of healthier alternatives, please make note that not all Greek yogurt is created equal.
There are many Greek options out there. Chobani, Fage, Oikos, are some of the most popular selections. Greek yogurt is yogurt that has been strained to remove the whey. The lack of whey makes this type of yogurt higher in protein and lower in sugar. The straining technique also adds to the rich texture that Greek yogurt has.

Below are of some of the brands that I've tried with a little feedback. My go-to brand is Chobani so for some brands it's been a while since I've had a taste. However, I wanted to refresh my taste buds so I went to my local supermarket and purchased a few for review.

Olympus (Cherry Lowfat)
I think that if someone isn't quite ready to ride the Greek chariot then this brand may be a good option because it reminded me a lot of regular yogurt.

Oikos (Vanilla)
  • EXTREMELY tart - this is probably the tartiest of the bunch for me. Despite the extreme tartness I really liked it. I don't recall this brand tasting as tart as the one I purchased today. So maybe it was just a fluke.
  • The color and consistency reminded me of sour cream.
  • Strong smell
  • The vanilla taste was very faint. It was dominated by the tart flavor.
  • These Greek-style yogurts seem to have fewer calories than their counterparts
  • Other flavors come with the fruit on the bottom
  • Visit the webpage for more information.
Cabot (Vanilla)
  • We really liked this brand and flavor
  • Good mixture of sweetness and tartness
  • Creamy and a decent amount of vanilla flavoring
  • Check out the website
  • Definitely not a fan of is brand
  • The flavor is too faint
  • It doesn't really have the texture that most Greek yogurts have. 
  • Nutritional Information is about the same for many of the Greek yogurt brands.
  • Read more about it here
  • Flavorful
  • Fruit on the bottom options
  • Great combination of sweetness and tartness
  • Thick and smooth
This brand is by far my favorite brand!! Not only is it good but it's ALWAYS on sale at my local supermarket. Greek yogurt can be a little pricey depending on the brand. If I purchase it using my customer value card I can get 10 yogurts for 10 bucks...can't beat that! I love this brand so much that I contacted Chobani and was able to have their Communications Manager, Emily Schildt, answer a few questions about the product. Sure, I'm a little bias when it comes to Greek yogurts...but it's my blog and I can do whatever I want...hehehehe! See below for the Q&A.

Chobani Questions

  1. What separates Chobani’s Greek yogurt from the rest of the Greek yogurts on the market?
    1. The yogurt story in this country is just getting started, and we’re simply happy to be a part of it. Our CEO, Hamdi Ulukaya, founded Chobani with the belief that Americans have great taste, they just need better options.  That’s why we’ve created a creamy, delicious yogurt using only the best natural ingredients for an authentic taste that packs twice as much protein.
  2. How much of the sugar in Chobani’s yogurt is from added sugar?
    1. There is no added sugar in our yogurt. Our recipe’s about as simple as food gets- just milk and cultures. To the fruit in our fruit-on-the-bottom flavors, we add less than a teaspoon of evaporated cane juice, an all-natural, unrefined sugar. This helps keep the fruit separate from the yogurt, maintaining its thick texture.
  3. How many Chobani flavors are on the market? Which flavor is a customer favorite?
    1. We currently have 14 flavors on the market, and are continuously coming up with more. Our best-selling flavor is Blueberry, though Pineapple has a very fanatic following.
  4. How did the Chobani brand get its name?
    1. Chobani is derived from the word “chopani” which means shepherd in many Mediterranean languages. It’s a symbol of safety, giving, and good.
  5. How did the idea of creating a Greek yogurt develop?
  6. Is this product safe for individuals who are lactose intolerant?
    1. Many Chobani fans with lactose sensitivities find Chobani goes down easily, as the majority of lactose is removed during our straining process. That said, it’s always best to proceed with care.
  7. How is Greek yogurt different from non-Greek yogurt?
  8. What are the health benefits from eating Chobani yogurt?
    1. Where to begin?! Chobani is packed with twice as much protein as regular yogurt, made with only natural ingredients, and contains low or no fat.
  9. Does the company have any plans on expanding the Chobani brand into other products (i.e. smoothies, shakes, etc.)?
  10. How long has Chobani been on the market?
    1. Four years.
  11. How can fellow yogurt lovers find out if Chobani is available in their area?
    1. Fellow yogurt lovers, hop here:!
  12. Are there plans on making the low-fat flavors into no-fat versions?
    1. We carefully develop each flavor according to a combination of fan request and level of deliciousness. Should a certain number of requests lead us to take a 2nd taste of any of our low-fat flavors, we’re open to the offering, so long as it’s tasty of course!
Whether you choose regular yogurt or Greek yogurt you are making a healthy choice. Both yogurt types have probiotics, which are healthy bacteria or yeasts and both are good sources of calcium. However, if you look closely at the nutritional data on some Greek brands, you may find that Greek is the better option. Remember to read the labels before you purchase and always eat in moderation! Cheers to healthy eating!!

Do you eat Greek yogurt? What's your favorite brand?


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Is it Really the Hair??

I really did try to avoid this topic like the plague because I feel as though it's like beating a dead horse. But hey...let's commence with the beating. Recently, Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin, had the internet all abuzz with her comments about Black women, obesity, and lack of physical fitness.  She partially linked the problem of obesity amongst Black women to us making our hair a priority over health. Although this was only one of the possible reasons the Surgeon General attributed to why Black women have a higher obesity rate than other demographic groups, this really got people up in arms. It lead me to ask the question, "Well, is it really the hair??".

The facts are the facts...some Black women don't workout for fear of ruining a perfectly coiffed hairstyle. I remember being a little girl and dreading hot summer days, fearing that my freshly pressed hair would revert back to those kinks I learned to hate. Oh and let's not mention gym (physical education for you southern folks). I think one semester I skipped everyday because the teacher actually made us do physical dare he?!?! I would hide from the rain as if it was acid trying to melt my skin off the bones. It all sounds exaggerated but it was the truth, child!! This mentality did transfer over into adulthood for me.

Women in general are taught that their hair is their crowning glory, regardless of ethnicity. Therefore, it has to look good at all times. You had to get that wig split every other Friday or whenever, sitting in the hair salon for hours, waiting to emerge with beautiful hair that other ladies envied. But at what cost are Black women willing to sacrifice their health in order to maintain gorgeous locks??

According to The Office of Minority Health (OMH), Black women have the highest rates of being overweight or obese. About four out of five Black women are overweight or obese. Things that make you go hmmmm. In addition, when it comes to diseases that can be linked to being overweight or obesity, Blacks (male and female) are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes than their White counterparts. Black people are 1.5 times more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. Black people are also more likely to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease and more likely to die from heart disease. Now, there are some stats for you!!

This information is not new. So, if this data is accurate, which I am sure it is, why wouldn't someone want to manage their weight?? It has to be much more than a hair issue. I believe that in addition to hair, it's a lack of knowledge, support, finances, time, and resources. However, we can work around these issues. If lack of knowledge is the issue, go to the library and borrow any fitness magazine to find routines that work for your fitness level, speak with someone who is active and get tips, or simply Google it. If you need support, join a group, download a training app, start a blog or join an online fitness forum or support group. You don't need money to workout, so don't let finances stop you. All you need is space not necessarily in  a gym. There are items around your house that can assist with your workout. I plan on writing a post about being fit on a budget, so be on the look out.

With all that said, I still cannot deny that hair is part of the issue. Therefore if hair is your issue, here are some tips for that, too.  I will always recommend that you choose to wear your hair natural because you won't have the issue of the hair reverting back to kinks, coils, naps, curls, whatever you call it, because it's already in that state. I wear my hair natural and sweat like crazy during my workouts. The natural hair allows my hair to remain unaffected by those sweat sessions. It would be a waste of money if I wore my hair in any other form. However, I understand that this is not an option that many women are willing to choose. If you prefer to wear your hair straightened, wigs are always an option. They have come a loooonnngg way from the days of our grandmother's wigs...LOL. No, no Brillo pad wigs in 2011.  Lacefronts, half wigs, full wigs, hair pieces, oh my!! Just choose a style and have fun with it!! I've worn my share of wigs and loved it. They are very low maintenance.

If this is still not your cup of tea but you are determined to put your health first, try wrapping your hair and tying it with a scarf during your workouts. A gym buddy, who has relaxed hair, says that she lets her hair dry completely before unwrapping it to avoid a poofy style. You can choose to blowdry your hair after each workout but I wouldn't recommend that due to potential heat damage. Putting the hair in a high ponytail has also worked well for a few of my gym buddies.

One day while in Sally's Beauty Supply, I ran across the product Dri Sweat Edge Women's Headband. See photo on the right. It's designed to absorb sweat and help maintain your style. I've never tried it because my hairstyles aren't really affected by my workouts but it may be worth a try. If you try it out please let me know how it works out for you! Braids, Senagalese and kinky twists are also great options!! You can wash and style many braided styles as needed.

I don't have a definitive method that will solve the hair and workout epidemic that has plagued the nation (sarcasm) but I can offer you suggestions. What's the point of having great hair if the rest of you (inside and outside) is jacked up?!?! At least your hair looks good, right?!?! Uhhh, no...LOL. The benefits of exercising and proper nutrition are amazing.Whatever your reason is for not working out, get rid of it.  Find reasons why you should workout. If you can't find any reasons, please scroll up and reread this post. Please encourage all the women in your life to get out and get active. NO EXCUSES!!

I'm curious to know your thoughts on the subject. What do you or your friends do about their hair when working out? Share in the comments section.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Really, Doc??

I went to the doctor earlier this week to have my knee poked and prodded due to some knee pain I have been experiencing. The appointment was really quick, which is always a good thing. However, the doc had me lay down to examine my knee. The problem with that was that I had on a dress and I felt like he was getting a clear view of my goodies during the examination...LOL. This is a prime example of why my mother always said "Nikky, make sure you always have on a clean pair of undies." You have to read my previous post to understand the significance. After the exam and a few x-rays the doc concluded that I have runner's knee. I've always prided myself on remaining injury free for years, well so much for that.

Runner's knee isn't the worse injury that a person can be plagued with. My poor husband has illitotibial band syndrome (ITBS), which has nagged him for over a year now. I like to think it's really IBS, you know, irritable bowl syndrome. It's common among runners but not limited to that group. The medical term for runner's knee is patellofemoral pain syndrome. But because we are an informal group of people I will just stick with runner's knee. Runner's knee is pain behind the kneecap. It can occur from overuse of the knee from running, walking, jumping, or biking. There are also other reasons why runner's knee occurs. Typical symptoms are pain behind the knee, pain when you walk, or run or sit for a long time. Sometimes the knee swells and you may feel or hear a snapping, popping, or grinding in the knee.

I think I can pinpoint exactly when the injury began to surface. Back in May I started to get really serious about strength training. After each strength training routine I would perform high intensity interval training (HIIT). This included sprint sets for 20 minutes and finishing out the run to get 3-4 miles in. This meant that I was running on back to back days. Typically I would run every other day. One long run (6 miles) and three short runs (3-4 miles). I believe the running on back to back days with such high intensity caused my injury. Initially the pain was inconsistent. In recent months (July and August), the pain has become constant and has required me to use the RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) method. This prompted me to seek some medical help.

After looking at the x-rays, the doc stated that I have some unevenness under the left side of the kneecap due to some wear in that same area. He recommended two options. The first was to get an MRI to rule out something more serious than runner's knee. The second was to treat it with an anti-inflammtory medicine and perform some daily exercises to help treat the condition. I am what one would call a frugal person, so I opted for the meds and exercise. For those who are unaware, an MRI, although covered by insurance has a huge out of pocket expense. A few hundred dollars to be exact and I ain't (yes I said ain't) paying that if I don't have to. The doc said to give the second option three weeks to see if there's any improvement. If not, I am to call him and schedule an MRI.

There should always be a lesson learned from an injury. My lesson is that I need to take it easy and listen to my body. I will be diligent in my exercises and take my meds twice a day as prescribed. Oh, and I will continue to use the RICE method. Hopefully, this will heal my condition because if I can't run this going to be one cranky lady. My husband better stay clear!!

Here's an internet article about runner's knee if you want to read more.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

What's in Your Fit Kit??

My mother used to tell me that I need to be prepared at all times, no matter what the situation. For example, she would say "Nikky, you should always wear clean underwear...just in case. You never know what could happen". Now, it's not as if I walked around in dirty undies but I guess the preparation was just in case I was knocked unconscious and the EMT workers had to strip me naked, they could say "Wow, those are a pristine pair of panties"...who knows. She had some strange moments. This concept of always being prepared should apply to all aspects of our lives. Being healthy is no exception.

Ask yourself, "What's in my fit kit?" or better yet, "Am I adequately prepared to maintain my healthy lifestyle at all times?". You wouldn't go to the store without any money to make a purchase, you wouldn't jump in the deep end of the pool if you didn't know how to swim, and you wouldn't let a doctor perform surgery on you if she didn't have the required knowledge. Therefore, YOU should be armed with the appropriate knowledge and tools necessary to begin living a healthy life or to help you to continue on a path of nutritional bliss. This post will provide you with some tools that you can keep in your fit kit.

Fitness apps are all the rage now. You can download the apps to your phone or MP3 device. Some fitness apps will track your food intake, miles ran or biked, or even walk you through a workout routine. Pretty neat, huh? Here's a breakdown of some apps that have been recommended to me.

My Tracks

This application is for your Android phone. It allows you to track your distance, speed, time, mileage, and even elevation. You can use this app while you run, bike, or hike.

Jeff Calloway's Ultimate 5k

If you are an avid runner then you are probably familiar with Jeff Calloway. His app is great for someone who is training for a race or who simply would like to become a better runner. It has an interval timer for speed or hill drills, a 7-week training program for 5k preparation, and music. An added bonus is that it works on a treadmill or outside. The only downside is that it is only available for Apple devices (ipod, ipad, etc.).


This website has created a mobile app (iMapMy) that allows you to track the distance, pace, speed, calories burned, elevation, and duration of your workouts. This is another app that works with a variety of workout choices. Running, biking, walking, and hiking are all exercises that you can track. However, some devices such as the Blackberry, are limited to only the running and biking apps. One of the cool things about this app is that you can upload the recorded data from your workout onto the MapMyRide website and keep a log of all your workouts. This is great to monitor your improvement from workout to workout. What's even better is that this app can be downloaded to some of the most popular smartphones. The app is free to download on the Blackberry phone. Apple charges a fee to download the app on the Iphone.

Fit Sync

This app is available for Blackberry, Iphone, and Android users. It provides strength training exercises that you can download and use at your will. After you have completed the routines you can upload your workout to an account on, which allows you to compare your data to previous workouts. It's a great way to monitor progress. The online account is free if you aren't using it in conjunction with your phone, however an annual subscription is required if you want to include the phone app.

Exercise TV

Most cable companies offer the Exercise TV channel. Now, you can access workouts via an app by the same name. The Exercise TV app provides FREE daily workouts, between 10-45 minutes in length. Workouts include but aren't limited to strength training, cardio, abs. bootcamp, and yoga. Android and Iphone users can enjoy the benefits of this app.

Jillian Michaels Fitness Motivation

Most people know Jillian Michaels from her balls to the wall approach on The Biggest Loser. She too has joined the app world attaching her name to several fitness apps. This Fitness Motivation app provides video workouts, allows an individual to track the distance ran, calories burned, and weight lost. The GPS and motion features track your workout in real time, which allows you monitor your workout's intensity. You may need to step it up!!

Jillian Michaels Slimdown Trainer

Because I love Jillian Michaels so's another one. This app gives you daily fitness, diet, and motivational tips, recipes, a variety of exercise routines, along with some heartfelt advice. This app as well as the one above can be downloaded free of charge for most Apple devices.

Calorie/Food Tracking Apps

There are a plethora of calorie/food tracking apps available on many smartphones. I won't even begin to list them. However, the benefit of having an app such as this is that you can be aware of what you are putting in your body and make conscious decisions regarding what you eat. To eat or not to eat, that is the question. It allows you to be an active participant in your healthy lifestyle. Some of the apps allow you to scan, or type in an item's name and you can view all the nutritional information about that product. Do an internet search or simply go to the app store on your phone to view your many choices.

If fitness apps aren't your thing, there are plenty of other options for you. When I really decided to take control of my health and physical fitness I purchased a book titled "Calories are King". I am not a huge fan of calorie counting. A person cannot look at calories in isolation, he/she must consider all other nutritional components in addition to the calories. Do you remember my previous post that mentioned those infamous 100 calorie snacks?? Despite the name of this book I purchased it and it was one of my best buys. It not only listed calories, but fat, carbs, protein, etc. for every food imaginable. The book also includes a restaurant guide for some of the more popular restaurants. This was great because I didn't have to feel overwhelmed when I went out to eat. I even gifted one to my mother, I highly doubt that she has taken it off the shelf to use, but it's the thought that counts, right???

Another great tool to have is a food journal. Now, when I recommend starting a food journal to some people, they rebut with "Who has time to write in that thing after every meal, snack, whatever?". It's actually not as time consuming as a person may think and it's beneficial. My food journal helped me keep track of how many calories I was consuming, make deliberate choices regarding what I put in my body, and it made me think twice about over snacking because I knew I would have to write it in that little white book. I didn't want to cringe at what I read. Check out this article, which outlines some of the benefits of journaling.

If you're struggling with workout ideas, you can keep a little binder with workouts that you have found online or inside magazines. I have a binder full of workouts that I go to when I am absolutely out of ideas. You can mix and match the routines and modify them anyway you see fit. My fave magazine to get ideas from is Muscle and Fitness Hers. There is a male version of this same magazine. Occasionally, I will find decent workouts in Women's Health. is also a great source, challenging, but great material.

Attack your fitness from all angles. If you need that extra push download a personal trainer app, if you need to keep track of your goals or food intake write it down. Whatever your needs are there is probably something out there that you can include in your fit kit. If you refuse to make failure an option by always being prepared you will achieve your health/fitness goals in no time.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Smart Snacking

Eating well is paramount when it comes to leading a healthy life. Eating well means feeding your body the proper nutrients in the correct amounts and at the right times. Paying close attention to nutritional labels is a great start. If you need a review of how to read the label, check out my previous post Dissecting Nutrition Labels and Packaging. If you read the labels accurately, choosing a smart snack is easy.

One question that people often ask me is what types of food do I snack on. I enjoy food and I don't like to deprive myself of things that I like. My inner foodie would have it no other way. Therefore, I try to choose or make a healthier alternative to my fave foods. Here are some items that my husband and I like to munch on as well as some ways to choose healthy options.

My ultimate snack is fruit. I love fruit because it gives me the sweet taste without the added sugar. Bananas, berries, grapes, cantaloupe, apples, and oranges are my go to fruits. Many of these fruits have a low Glycemic Index (GI) level. The Glycemic Index ranks carbs based on it's effect on our blood glucose levels. Foods with low GI levels allow glucose to slowly be released into your bloodstream, which promotes healthy energy levels. A low GI level would be 55 or lower. You can find a list of GI levels here.

Many of these fruits also have multiple nutritional purposes. Bananas are a great pre-workout snack and are a great source of potassium. Berries are great antioxidants. Grapes are just friggin' delicious and apples are a fabulous source of fiber. Always remember that moderation is key even when it comes to fruit. So don't go crazy and start slamming down boat loads of fruit.

Another sweet treat for me is the sweet potato. No, I'm not talking about the twiced baked sweet potato, with the brown sugar and cream cheese so stop salivating (hahaha). Although, that is quite delicious. I eat these either steamed or as baked fries. Sweet potatoes are inexpensive and have excellent health benefits. The beta-carotene in the potato is an antioxidant which changes to vitamin A. The vitamin A contributes to healthy skin. Think about that Halle Berry glow. Plus, the beta-carotene eliminates free radicals from the body, thus, helping to reduce wrinkles. Adding a little cinnamon will enhance the flavor of the sweet potato. If you want them french fry style, you can slice them thinly, sprinkle with a little salt (optional), then rub with a little olive oil. You can spread them out on a baking sheet, place in the oven at 350 degrees, and let them cook for about 20 minutes or until they are crisp enough for you. DELICIOUS!!!

Another fam fave is Garden of Eatin' chips. When I want a salty fix I opt for these tortilla chips over Tostitos brand. They are certified organic, many of the options are low in trans fat and saturated fat (bad fats), and there are soooo many options (inner foodie on the prowl). These are tasty with or without salsa!! Explore your options here. Yummm!!

Veggies are always a good snacking option. I am not going to lie and say that I am a veggie snacker because I am not. I think I would rather listen to Elizabeth Hasselbeck talk than eat raw veggies...wait...that might be an over exaggeration. The cold, crunch, bland taste of the veggies just isn't appealing to me. However, I understand the benefits of snacking on them. Veggies are a great source of the nutrients you need like vitamins. Some are also a good source of fiber. Fiber will make you feel full between meals. I primarily eat my veggies with meals. Raw veggies however contain high levels of nutrients because they haven't been cooked out. Celery with peanut butter, carrots, snap peas, cut peppers, broccoli are all great options if this is something that you would like to try. Me, not so much.

Almonds...mmmmm...another favorite. I love almonds because of the taste, texture, and nutritional benefits. They are (at least for me) a good source of fiber, a decent source of protein, and you only need about 28 almonds to make a great snack. You can pair almonds with a fruit or a protein shake. Speaking of which, protein shakes are also a great snack option.

If you like those 100 calorie snack options, my suggestion is to be mindful. The fact that those Oreos and Twinkies come in 100 calorie options doesn't make them any better for you. You still need to pay attention to the nutritional labels. A healthy food is always going to be a healthy food. Packaging it in a smaller quantity doesn't magically change an unhealthy food (i.e. ding dongs) into a healthy option...abracadabra...not really. 100 calorie packs like almonds or whole wheat crackers may be a better choice because you get the portion control with the nutritional benefits.

Some other things I love are peanut butter with a whole weat slice or 1/2 of a whole wheat bagel, boiled eggs, low-fat cheese, Greek yogurt (I will post more about this one later) and popcorn. The calorie amount for your snacks really depends on your dietary and fitness needs. I choose snacks that will keep me full and keep my energy levels balanced. With the intense workouts that I do this is important. Also, I eat my snacks in MODERATION. Even healthy foods in excess can set you back in your goals to lose weight or just improve your overall health.

If you have difficulty with portion control...perhaps because you have hands the size of Big Foot's hands (men) or even after you've given birth you're still eating for two (that was me), try portioning out your food into ziplock bags. Read the product label to figure out how much of that food equals 1 serving and store it in a ziplock bag to prevent overeating. Instead of eating from the bag, get 1 serving and put it in a small bowl or on a small dish. Don't eat at the kitchen counter; it's just too tempting to grab more than you need. It helps to prepare your snacks in advance so that you don't risk making an unhealthy choice or eating too much.

Choosing a healthy snack isn't complicated. Most people know what healthy foods are so make the choice to put down the cookies and pick up an apple. Step outside of the box when it comes to your snacks. If you like to eat something that wouldn't necessarily be considered a snack, like a sandwich for example, cut the portion down and eat it anyway. As long as it's healthy, you're good to go. Who's judging?? Not me! In addition a good review of the nutritional label should set you straight. Here's to healthy snacking...yummm!!!!


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Quickie: Lost in the 'Hood

What a crazy week this has been!!! I got two tickets, was in one accident, and bought a new car all within a one week span. However, the most memorable moment was getting lost during my six mile run in my own neighborhood. What was that you asked?? How does one get lost in her own neighborhood? Well, when you have absolutely no sense of direction and overly rely on technology it's actually quite easy. So here's how the story goes.

My wonderful husband purchased a Garmin 405 Forerunner as my gift for Mother's Day. If you don't know what this little doohickey does, allow me to explain. It is a GPS enabled watch that can be used to track your mileage when you are out biking, walking, or running. I use it for my outside runs. This particular watch has many bells and whistles. It stores your runs, allows the user to customize workouts, has an interval timer for speed work, and permits one to set his/her pace and race against a virtual partner. Oh, and it can be used as a heart rate monitor. This is just a brief overview of what this watch can do. It's fabulous!!

On this particular day, I charged up my little gadget, laced up my running shoes, gathered my liquid refreshment and walked out the door. But wait...I locked my house keys in the house with my cell phone. At this moment, I should have known that this run wasn't a good idea. It was one of those moments where I realized that my key was inside but continued to close the door was like an out of body experience. I was in the Matrix. I ran to my neighbor, who was pulling out of her driveway, and asked to use her cellphone to call my husband. It took him about 20 minutes to get home and let me in. At this point, I was still determined to run.

After chatting with the hubby for a few, I hopped in the car and drove to my starting point. This particular trail was relatively new to me. I ran part of it the week prior with a gym buddy. We did about 4.5 miles but because it was supposed to be a six mile run I had to add some distance so I put in a turn. Now, this is where my Garmin 405 Forerunner comes into play. I figured, since the watch was going track my mileage that I would just turn around at the halfway point (3 miles). This is something I've done before, so no big deal, right??

The first few miles or so of the run were great. I ran a straight path, made a right turn down a street, reached my halfway point, turned around, and made a left turn to continue on that straight path. Well, that last left I made wasn't the left that I was supposed to make. I have no idea how it all went wrong, but it did. This was the first day of Richmond's triple digit temperature days. While it wasn't quite triple digits yet, it was starting to get hot as hell. Okay, back to the run...I tend to zone out when I run outside, so I didn't realize I made a wrong turn until I reached a fork in the road. I stopped and had a quizzical look on my face. Where the hell was I? I started to panic slightly because I just ran approximately 1/2 mile down a street and I had no idea where I was. I decided to turn around and run the 1/2 mile back to the point where I made the turn. At that point my shirt was dripping with sweat and I am extremely thirsty. On the way back I passed a woman watering her grass and was tempted to ask for a sip from her hose. I didn't think she would take it too well so I kept it moving.

When I reached the starting point I realized that I turned too early. If I ran down one more block I wouldn't have added an extra mile to my already long run nor would I have been so damn dehydrated. While, I will continue to run outside I will definitely pay more attention to my surroundings. Lesson learned!!


Friday, July 22, 2011

Supplements...Should You or Shouldn't You??

A supplement, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is something that completes or makes an addition to something else. There are supplements for almost anything. Ladies, if you want longer hair, stronger fingernails, bigger boobs there are millions of products offered that can help you with that. Oh, and let's not forget the fellas...if you desire a larger, uh, let's just say "member", there are even supplements to help you out with that too. Come on, we've all seen the commercials and heard those radio advertisements. However, for the purpose of this blog we are going to focus on supplements, specifically dietary supplements, that are intended to positively impact your health and fitness goals by adding a little something extra.

In the health and fitness world there are supplements that assist in boosting metabolism, losing weight, building muscle mass, etc. As I researched these supplements I learned that some have multiple purposes. Here, I will give you some insight into some of the supplements and what their functions are.

Burn, Baby, Burn
In this first section we will discuss supplements intended to burn fat. People are always trying to find that magic pill that will eliminate that extra belly fat. Well, these aren't magic pills but they may help.
Green Tea Extract: The powerful ingredient in this supplement is the polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate...say that 10 times fast. We'll just call it EGCG. The EGCG works with the body to increase fat burning and metabolic rate. This supplement is also reported to enhance muscle recovery as well as assist with joint recovery. You can purchase this from your local health food store, vitamin shop, even places like Walgreen's. For this supplement to be effective, it's recommended that people take 300-500mg three times daily, before each meal.
Fish Oil: This supplement as a fat burner is new to me. However, some studies show that in addition to the many benefits that fish oil provides, it works to activate fat burning and turn off the genes that increase fat storage. Now, if that isn't another reason to get some Omega-3s in your life, I don't know what is. Dosage recommendations can be found on the back label of the product.

Caffeine: Yes, you read correctly...caffeine. No, I'm not talking about the mocha cocoa choco latte that you get from Starbucks or wherever. Actually, the most effective form of caffeine would be in tablet form. This is because the other ingredients in coffee may inhibit some the effects of the caffeine. Caffeine increases the amount of fat that is released from your fat cells. Once again refer to the package label for dosage recommendations. Increase the fat burning ability of this supplement by taking a dosage 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to your workout.
CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid): This is something brand new to me. This supplement works to prevent fat storage, use existing fat as energy, and increase lean muscle mass. You can also find this at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. It is recommended that you take 2 grams of CLA three times daily with meals.

Muscle Mania

If your goal is to build lean muscle then these supplements may be just what the doctor ordered.

  • Protein: Protein can be found in many foods that we eat. Chicken, turkey, and beef are choices that are high in protein. However, protein also comes in supplemental forms. Whey protein is a good supplemental choice if you desire to build lean muscle. Whey delivers aminos to your muscle tissue quickly and contains peptides, which increase the blood flow to the muscles. You can purchase protein powder almost anywhere. My husband and I purchase ours from the grocery store. It also comes in many flavors, which can be mixed with water or you can make a shake. It's best to consume your protein when you wake up, thirty minutes prior to your workout and within 30 minutes after your workout.

  • Creatine: Creatine occurs naturally in the body. It is produced by the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. This is apparently one of the top supplements for building lean muscle. It works by delivering more energy to the muscle, which in turn means more power for that muscle. More power equates to more reps of an exercise. More reps assists with muscle growth. Simple enough. Creatine comes in many forms. The dosage will depend on what form of Creatine you take.

  • BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids): These are the essential aminos leucine, isoleucene, and valine. These play an important role in protein synthesis, which is the process that builds muscles. A gym buddy of mine uses BCAAs as a recovery method. It feeds nutrients to your muscles post-workout. She mixes the powder form with a sports drink. This is also a supplement that comes in multiple forms. It is recommended that you take this pre and post workout.

The Energizer Bunny

Is something slowing you down?? In many cases, nutrient deficiencies are responsible for lack of energy. Deficiencies in B12, iron, and/or magnesium may be the culprits.

  • B Vitamins: Studies show that B Vitamins work to boost energy levels. A B12 supplement may reduce fatigue. There are also supplemental forms of iron and magnesium that you can purchase.

  • Multi-vitamin: Multi-vitamins are good because they fill in the gaps for many nutrients that your body may be deficient in. As mentioned above, nutrient deficiencies can lead to low energy levels.

  • Some of the supplements mentioned in the other areas have claims of increasing energy levels. Green tea extract, creatine, caffeine, and BCAAs are some.


Recovery is very important after an intense workout or any kind of workout. You have a short window, approximately 30 minutes, after a workout to refuel. The glycogen that your body stores is depleted after your workout, therefore you need to replace it to allow adequate recovery. Glycogen is important because the body uses it as energy during your workouts. Ideally, one should intake 1/2 - 3/4 of a gram of healthy carbs per pound of body weight within that 30 minute window. Within that timeframe carbs turn into glycogen up to three times faster than other times, which is energy that can help you perform better for later workouts.
Carbs can't do the job alone so here are some other items you can add to your post workout recovery routine.

  • BCAAs: As mentioned above BCAAs feed necessary nutrients to your muscles post-workout.

  • Protein Shake/Smoothie: The whey protein will increase blood flow to your muscles, which will allow the muscles to receive more oxygen and nutrients. You can add in fruits that are high in antioxidants, like berries, which will aid in eliminating the free radicals in your body.

  • Fish Oil: You can take this for its anti-inflammatory properties, not necessarily right after your workout but in general.

It is always wise to consult with your physician prior to introducing something new into your diet. I am not a doctor nor am I an expert on supplements. I'm just the SkinnyFatGymRat who knows a little something, something. Therefore, if any of these options sound good to you, conduct further research so you will be aware of any side effects to know if it's right for YOU. My husband and I have tried a few of these supplements and a few we keep in rotation. I also know fitness buffs who swear by some of the supplements mentioned. However, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for everyone. Also, this is only an abbreviated list of the many supplemental options that are available on the market and just using the supplement without proper diet and exercise may not yield desirable results. So, before you run out to the store conduct your own research and remember exercise and proper nutrition are always paramount!!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dissecting Nutrition Labels and Packaging

Once you have made the decision to begin living a healthy lifestyle, you have to start educating yourself. You should start with something simple...the nutrition label. Losing weight, maintaining weight, whatever your goal is relies heavily on what you eat. A person can exercise all they want but unless they change their diet they will continue to struggle with the same issues. It's like running around the hamster're always stuck in the same spot.

The label is actually easier to decode than many people think. On most food items the label can be found on the back of the package. The first things to observe are serving size and servings per container. All the nutritional information i.e. calories, fat, cholesterol, etc. is calculated per single serving. Take a look at the label above. According to this label this food item has 25 servings and in each serving is 6 pieces. Therefore, if you counted the contents of the entire package, there would be 150 pieces inside. Pay attention to this so that if you go over the serving size, you know to adjust the calculations for the amount per serving.

The calories listed on the label refer to how many calories are in each serving. Pretty easy, right? The difficult part with understanding calories is the attractive wording that manufacturers put on food labels to make it more appealing to dieters and health conscious folks, like us. For instance, how many times have you seen "low-calorie", "reduced-calorie", or "calorie-free" on an item and purchased the item because of these labels? Let's look at exactly what those terms mean.

  • Low-calorie means that the food item has to have a calorie count of 40 calories or less.

  • Reduced-calorie means that the food item is required to have at least 25% less calories than the regular version of that same food item.

  • Calorie-free doesn't necessarily mean that there are zero calories in an item. It only means that there are less than 5 calories per serving.

If you see these terms on an item that you want to purchase remember to flip over to the nutrition label to see if it's really that great of a buy, particularly with labels that read low-calorie and reduced-calorie.

The next section is the fat. Fat gets such a bad name, however it plays a positive role for the body. It builds nerve tissue and hormones and the body uses it as fuel, as well as serving many other functions. However, fat can become something to avoid when the fat isn't burned. It then becomes deposited into your body in fat cells. That's when we get our muffin tops and moobs...not a good look.

On the same line as the calories there are the calories from fat. These are the fat calories from all the fat in that item. When you are grocery shopping choose items that have a significant difference in the amount of calories and calories from fat. The top line that reads "total fat" includes the grams of fat found in all types fat: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated. Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat. Manufacturers also label their packages with similar terms as calories: fat-free, low-fat, and reduced-fat.

  • Fat-Free: Less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving

  • Low-fat: Three grams of fat or less per serving

  • Reduced-fat: At least 25% less fat per serving than the original version.

Cholesterol is next up on the list. Cholesterol contributes to higher blood cholesterol, putting a person at risk for heart disease. Cholesterol-free food items have less than 2 milligrams of cholesterol. Items marked with low-cholesterol on the packaging have 20 milligrams or less of cholesterol.

Now comes sodium also known as salt. Eating more than the recommended amount of sodium can lead to water retention and high blood pressure. That water retention could lead to higher numbers on the scale. A daily intake of 2,300 milligrams or less is what you should shoot for.

Total carbohydrates tells you the amount of ALL types of carbs found in a single serving. A key area to be mindful of under total carbs is the amount of sugar. Ideally, the less sugar the food item has the better. Dietary fiber is also listed in this section. Choose food items with at least 2.5 grams of dietary fiber per serving.

Lastly, we have protein. You can calculate how much protein your body needs by multiplying your weight by .37. Keep that number in mind when you're reading nutritional labels. Beef, chicken, and eggs are all great sources of protein.

As far as the Percent Daily Values, just know that these percentages are based on a 2,000 calorie diet and they indicate the percentages per single serving for each element (fat, protein, sodium, etc.) present in that particular food item. The goal is to eat 100% of each element.

Now that you are a little bit wiser, go to your local grocery store and shop in peace!! Peace.