Okay, it is now 2012 and many of you have made some New Year's
Resolutions. My resolution is to be kinder to my husband, I haven’t
told him yet because I don’t want him to hold me to that. Hey, resolutions are
made to be broken, right!! Well, except for those health and fitness
resolutions that I hope you stick with.
The title of the post says it all; we don’t want “no half
steppin’” with your health and fitness goals in 2012 and beyond. Half steppin' is when you make the minimal effort necessary to get results. You need to be prepared to go all
the way so that you can have the results that you want. Whether it’s weight
loss, lowered blood pressure, or weight maintenance, here are some suggestions
to help you stay on track and not backslide as the church folk say. Hallelujah.
Plan Your Meals
Sounds easy enough, right??? It is, people!! All you
need to do is write out or make a mental note about what you plan on eating for the week, including
lunch. Look through your refrigerator,
freezer, pantry, etc. and take an inventory of what you have. Then gather your healthy recipes and choose what you're going prepare. Remember to consider how busy you are going to be during the upcoming week and select recipes that will work with your schedule. You can even pre-cook your meals on Sunday. Freeze the meals that won't get used until later in the week. Just remember to take them out the freezer when it's time. If you know what you're going to eat ahead of time you will be less likely to grab a bite to eat at a fast food restaurant or be forced to throw a quick unhealthy meal together.
Go to the Gym with a Plan
I know you've seen people at the gym who appear to be clueless, wandering around aimlessly trying to figure out what machine or exercise to do next. Essentially, they spend more time looking around than actually working out. Don't be that person. To optimize your time in the gym have a plan for each day; know which days are your workout days and what you plan on doing. Maybe you will identify 2-3 strength training days with mixed cardio and/or 2-3 days of classes or cardio. Also, have some alternative exercises that you can do in the event that a machine or space you want to use is occupied. Whatever plan you develop, stick with it. Of course you may have to switch it up every now and then because life happens and there's nothing we can do about it.
Pack Your Workout Clothes the Night Before

your workout clothes the night before allows you to just grab and go on
your way out the door in the morning. If your house is anything like
mine in the morning you wake up late and barely have time to do anything
in the morning. Pack and leave your bag by the door. This will eliminate at
least one chaotic moment from your already chaotic morning.
Get on Schedule
Plan your workouts just as you would meetings, lunches, etc. Print out a monthly calendar and pencil in your gym times. After the first month, going to the gym at your predetermined times will be routine and you won't need the calendar anymore. Your exercise routine needs to be high on your priority list. Penciling in your times makes you accountable to yourself. If someone asks you to go to happy hour or dinner during your gym time, kindly decline because you have something better to do. However, if those drink specials are sounding good...go for it....I kid, I kid. Stick with the workout.
Create a Master Grocery List

A master grocery list is a list of items that you will always keep stocked in your household. For healthy eating consider adding things like lean meats, veggies, plain Greek yogurt, almonds, healthy fats etc. When you go grocery shopping these are the primary items that need to be in your cart. Of course, you may stray from the list every now and then depending on what your needs are. The list is not meant to confine you but to guide you.
Change for the Gym after Work
This is a simple strategy to help you stay on track. Changing for the gym after work makes it more likely that you will take your butt to the gym. You're already in your workout clothes and unless some major emergency comes up, the gym will be your next destination. On the drive from the job to home, many thoughts can run through a person's mind that might deter him/her from working out. You might get home and decide to take a little nap before you workout but the nap turns into a deep slumber. Well, there goes your workout. Switch out those business slacks for some workout shorts right at the job. If people look at you strangely, which I hope they wouldn't, who cares. You're off the clock. However, I would opt out of the booty shorts (this goes for both men and women).

Negative Nancy, Debbie Downer, dream killers. You know who they are. People who never have anything good to say. You tell them about your desire to lose weight and exercise and what do they do??? They order a large cheese pizza and offer you a slice or they make sly comments insinuating that you will never stick with your plan, probably because they can't stick with their commitments. Screw those people. Surround yourself with positive people and things that will motivate you. Your source of inspiration could be, I don't know, maybe
www. mahoganystrenghtspeaks.blogspot.com I hear there's some good stuff on that blog. ;-) If you can't find anyone in your immediate circle who will offer support, find a support group on the internet or at the gym you frequent. There are lots of health and fitness forums out there. However, be cautious and be sure to do your own research if you're offered advice.
Big Daddy Kane |
Remember you have to make conscious decisions to be the you that you deserve to be. Take these strategies and apply them because you can either come correct in 2012 or keep on with the half steppin'. So in the words of Big Daddy Kane "Ain't no half steppin'." Peace!