
Hey All!!! Come on in and enjoy a little slice of my world as it pertains to fitness and health. Dr. Phil once said "Get real about fat or just get real fat". I've always loved that quote...LOL

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Let's Not do that Again: Things to Bury in 2011

As 2012 quickly approaches we need to reassess a few things health and fitness related. Below is my Top 6 (yes, only 6, not 10) list of things that we should leave in 2011 and never, ever, ever, ever revisit.

#6 Shake Weight
 Oh, you know where I'm going with this one...If you haven't seen this thing check out the video below.
First off, I'm not too sure about how effective this little dildo I mean device is. Anything, in terms of toning and building muscle, that you can do with this you can do with regular free weights in the gym. Of course you won't have the joy of the vibrations, which some of you may find necessary. This thing just reminds me of some type of toy you would find in a soft porn video. If you don't agree, replay the video from about the 14 second mark. If you already spent your 19.95 or 29.95 (price for the guy version) I won't judge you or your reasoning for buying it. However, for those of you who haven't I recommend that  you keep this one on the shelf.

#5 Toning Sneakers
Case in point
Trust me you've seen these things. they kind of remind you of Frankenstein shoes, just a little less attractive. They're meant to assist with sculpting and toning. Rumor has it that they're also pretty comfortable. My in-laws both have a pair so I will be cautious with my word choice. Now, comfort aside many of these shoes are flippin' ugly.
The upside to this shoe is that many companies make a sleeker version of this shoe. However, this version right here is not allowed in 2012.

#4 Plastic Sweat Suits/Sauna Suits for Working Out

Unfortunately people still where these things while they workout. It's made of plastic, nylon, vinyl or even rubber...yikes. Unless you are trying to make weight for a boxing competition please leave the suit at home. People who wear them while working out are simply losing water weight not true weight. Just go hard in the gym sans the suit and you will be good to go.

#3 Fad Diets
The cookie diet, hot sauce and lemon juice diet, cabbage soup name it and there's a diet for it.  There's no magic to weight loss, just eat right and exercise. Fad diets can have a negative impact on  your metabolism and then you really won't be able to lose weight. Desperation will make people do crazy things...

#2 New Year's Resolutions
I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer but a lot of people who make New Year's resolutions related to health and fitness don't stay committed. If you doubt it, go ahead and list all the fitness/health related resolutions that you kept...I'll wait. Instead of waiting to make the change do little things throughout the year that will help you achieve your fitness goals. This way you can bring in the new year having made many accomplishments. So, I say to hell with New Year's resolutions.

#1 Excuses
Let's bury these deeeeppp in a hole somewhere.  Yes, I know you just got your hair done and you plan on starting your new way of eating and exercise schedule in a couple of weeks. Unless you are dead there is no real reason why you can't at least eat right. Diet is like 85% of the battle. Make better food choices. There may be physical limitations excluding you from some types of exercise but you can do something...anything. Look at the pictures, one man runs without legs and the other is a one legged wrestler. I'm just sayin'...are you still making excuses?? The man runs without legs for Heaven's sake...

Anyone ever see the Katt Williams special where he spoke about Tink Tink??
This is my last post until 2012...enjoy your New Year and eat and drink responsibly...Peace!

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