There are days when I just don't have 1 - 2 hours to give to my workouts. Now, I don't intentionally spend that much time working out but time just slips away from me. I find that I am at my most peaceful moments when I am working out. However, with family, work, and just life in general, time is of the essence.
We all know that I will NEVER stop working out because if I did, what would become of the SkinnyFatGymRat?!? *Gasp*Therefore, on days when my time is limited I am going to restrict myself to a 30 minute workout. Many health professionals recommend that the average adult should exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day. On it's face, a 30 minute workout may not seem like enough. However, you get out of a workout what you put into it...with that said a 30 minute easy walk or a weak strength training session isn't going to cut it. You have to maximize your workout due to the limited time.
During my 30 minute workouts I like to combine cardio and full body strength training, typically circuit training.Each circuit is completed 3 times. A circuit is when several exercises are completed back to back with no or very little rest in between exercises. The intensity of my circuit is high and I perform moderate reps (12-15) of each exercise. Some exercises that are included in my 30 minute workouts are: jump rope, box jumps, push ups, bicep curls, rows, jumping jacks, step ups, and bicycle crunches. The trick for me is to keep a variety of exercises to choose from. It prevents the routines from getting boring. Write down the ones that work for you and put them in a book for future use.
If developing your own routines isn't something that you want to do, you can always just do a google search of 30 minute workouts. Why reinvent the wheel, right?? Here are a couple of links for effective 30 minute workouts.
- This site provides workouts for novice, intermediate, and advance levels of fitness: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/thirty_minute_workout.asp
- Read this site thoroughly it provides some good information about an effective 30 minute workout:http://http//www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/fitness-blitz-the-30-minute-workout
Remember that you can always modify your workout to match your fitness level so don't be intimidated by exercises that seem too difficult or unfamiliar. If the exercise is unfamiliar "Google" it. My advice is to try to fit a workout in whenever you can because your body and your clothes will thank you for it. Peace!
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